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Computer-Based Test and Examination (CBT&E)

Welcome to the online verification and authentication platform of the IBBU Computer Based Test & Examination system (CBTified). It is a robust registration verification and validation of courses across semester. Students without the ADEQUATE and CORRECT courses of registration will not be able to have access to the system. Thus, it is advised that all Students ensure, their registrations and their entire portal records are correct. 

NOTE: Should you have a case of phone number mismatch, kindly visit your personal registration page to update your bio-data information. 

Go to www.ibbu.edu.ng.
Under the “Student Arena” section, click on CBTIFIED
Activate Your Account:

On the CBTIFIED page, click on Activate Account.
Enter your matriculation number to proceed.
The system will verify your matriculation number and confirm your status as a valid student.
Once verified, your information will be displayed. Enter the phone number you used during registration.
Click the Activate button to proceed.
Login to Your Account:

If activation is successful, you will be redirected to the login page.
Enter your matriculation number as your username and your phone number as the password.
Click Login to access your account.
Make Payment:

After logging in, click on Wallet to make your payment.
Once the payment is successful, click Print Slip to print your CBTIFIED slip.
Prepare for Your Exam:

Carry the printed slip along with your exam card to the CBT center.
Each course you registered has a unique code that you will use to gain access to the CBT exam.

CLICK HERE to verify.

Students must ensure they have their ideal courses printed and conduct themselves in a respected manner once coming for CBT. Any student that fails to turn up for the EXAMINATION at the scheduled time will not be allowed into the Exam HALL.

Students are to dress smartly, conduct themselves in orderly manner and should come with the following items ONLY to the e-EXAM ’s Venue:
i. Current University ID Card (or) School fees Payment slip with clear picture (for only new student)
ii. Exam Card for current session
iii. Biro, pen or pencil
iv. A cbtified slip bearing your date of printing, and the resulting passwords of the course to be examined.

HANDBAG, CELL PHONE, FACE CAP, WRIST WATCH, SUN GLASSES are not allowed into the examination hall and any act of indiscipline will NOT be tolerated

The IBBUL E-Learning Centre

Hall 1 – E- Learning I

Hall 2 – E-Learning II


CLICK here to get cbtified (verified)



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